Telegram channels profitability analysis service

Are you losing money on bad crypto signals?

Do you want to know the real profitability of your trader?

How a trader promotes his channel:

  • shows huge percentages, but often this is the last take profit in a successful transaction with a large leverage when the main volume of the transaction is closed with less income
  • hides/minimizes losses
  • comments in the channel are prohibited
  • reactions include only positive emojis

What it really is unknown.

Analysis takes a lot of time and resources, no one has done this.

Till today!

Already checked

27 crypto channels

949,567 telegram messages
created 6,462 forecasts
downloaded more than 100,000,000 candles
for 375 crypto coins

How it works?

  • downloads message history from a telegram channel
  • finds trading ideas in them: entry point, take profits, stop loss
  • downloads candles of the required coin
  • calculates the real profit/loss of the signal
  • calculates profitability by month and other metrics
  • displays results on the website
  • profit

And all this is free!

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